Sowing Seeds of Hope for the Hungry


Fertilizing the seeds!

Fertilizing the seeds!

Planting the seeds!

Planting the seeds!

Spring has finally begun, the flowers are starting to peek through the newly thawed ground and soon enough it will be time for farmers to start their planting. It’s a busy time for those whose lives revolve around the planting, tending and harvesting of crops. The days are long and the work sometimes seems like it never ends. So what would cause someone already so busy to take time and exert effort for a crop that is not even for their own use or financial gain? A few words come to mind: hope, compassion, gratitude, serving.

Last year, in its second year, Owen Sound Harvest for Hunger increased its crop acreage from 12 acres to 34 acres, thanks to 3 farms who were willing to set aside some of their valuable property for growing for those who are hungry around our world. As we come into a new growing season there will hopefully be others who will come alongside to increase this number even more, because the need is great. If you are interested in speaking to someone about donating land for this project please visit our Contact Us page. By providing land for crops you are providing hope for the hungry, as we provide food for their survival. Together we can help those who are in need.